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  • icono oferta técnicos laborales

    Labor technical offer

    The following is offered to the Labor Technician Students::

    Operation and maintenance or electric cogeneration plants.

    Operation of Industrial plants for the production of biofuels

    Transit, transportation and road safety.
  • Icono fabrica

    Factory offer

    The following is offered
    to the Factory Students:

    Cogeneration and energy efficiency.
    World-class productivity practices.
    Industrial sucrochemical processes
    Obtaining biomasses and biofuels.
    Instrumentation and industrial control.
    Maintenance management with RCM/TPM/ISO/OREDA.
    Commissioning and start-up of plants.
  • Icono area de campo, transporte y cosecha

    Field, transport and harvest area

    The following is offered to the Field, Transport and Harvest Students:

    Field transport and harvest logistics.
    Soil management for crops.
    Agricultural satirized productivity.
    Transport fleet management.
    Operation and maintenance of machinery.
    Mechanical and electronic maintenance.
    Water management for crops and cattle raising.
  • Icono area de campo, transporte y cosecha

    The following is offered in the area of Natural Resources:

    In environment and natural resources, we offer:

    Business Environmental Management Systems.
    Water and Carbon Footprint Management.
    Environmental Requirements and Legislation
    Preparation of GRI Sustainability Reports.
    Generation of Energy with Renewable Resources.
    Management and Environmental Monitoring of Degraded Spaces.
    Environmental Restoration of Degraded Spaces
  • Area de recursos humanos y salud

    The following is offered in the area of Natural Resources:

    The following is offered in the area of Natural Resources::

    Training in transit, transport and road safety.
    Design and implementation of PESV-ISO 39001.
    Training of auditors for management systems.
    Safe work in heights and in confined spaces.
    Integral management of business risk.
    Physiotherapeutic intervention of personnel.
    Coaching and Neuro-linguistic Programming.


Public and Private companies.
Organizations from the sector, professional associations.
Departments and business areas.
Heads of Training and Human Resources.


Practical modality with theoretical foundations to improve labor competencies.
Personalized educational strategy by company, with principles of quality and service.
Advice aimed at raising its operational, efficiency and security indices.
Strategic alliances with institutions, universities and associations.


In 2018 several milestones were fulfilled for our institution within the Academic Extension service:

Ten years of service to the community and the industry under the name of Academic Extension. Conceived in 2006 as Grupo Caldera, in 2008 the portfolio of services and technical courses was renamed and expanded. By 2018 we have reached a record of 6,884 people directly benefited during this first decade.

New corporate image of the business unit, which gives an image of dynamism, fluidity and suitability of service, associated with the good name of Centro de Formación Integral Providencia.

Launch of the Labor Technician in Traffic, Transportation and Road Safety, with emphasis on logistics and transport of dangerous substances and extra-dimensional loads; which not only generates a new opportunity for specialized training and work for the participants, but also contributes to the strengthening of the country's culture and road safety.

Ten consecutive years as training operators for the SENA-ASOCAÑA agreement; during which excellent academic quality has been demonstrated, covering the special needs of the productive sector of sugarcane and also transparency investment of state resources.

icono oferta técnicos laborales
icono oferta técnicos laborales icono oferta técnicos laborales icono oferta técnicos laborales

icono oferta técnicos laborales